Satisfied Part 6 – Investing Our lives

Apr 03rd 2017
Graham Church

God has made a deposit in each of us by generously giving talents, unique personalities, enriching experiences and special abilities to each of us.  When we give of ourselves out of the gifts and talents we’ve been given, it is like tapping into the rich deposit a little at a time.  We are hardwired to sense the greatest satisfaction and joy when we are giving ourselves away.  Chris Brannon continues in our Satisfied series by speaking on investing in our lives by investing in others.  He talks about the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25 – 37.  We should consider others more significant than ourselves.  Chris gives us a few questions to look at about investing into the life of another:  Why should we give?, What should we give? and How much should we give?  He also gives us some practical applications of this within our church.  You must lose your life to save it.  What are you doing to lose your life today?

Satisfied Part 5 – Redemptive Vulnerability

Mar 26th 2017
Graham Church

What does God say about living a transparent lifestyle?  Chris Brannon continues in our Satisfied series with a sermon on Redemptive Vulnerability.  It’s time for believers to wipe off the grease make-up and allow others to see that there’s a real human being underneath, with God-given gifts and fleshly struggles.  Many times, most of us would rather remain sick than face the exposure of a transparent life.  We feel trapped, desiring a confidant, yet terrified that honesty will cause those we value to permanently lock us out of their life.  Still, being true to self holds greater benefits than we could ever imagine.  Are you willing to die to self and self-protection in order that Christ may live in you?  When it comes to our faults and sins, and even our hurts, we only need to share them with those who need to know.  There are times when everyone needs to know.  Other times a limited few need to know.  Listen as Chris asks questions to ask yourself to find out if you are walking in the light and steps to make sure you are.

Satisfied Part 4 – Finding Peace in The Midst of Brokenness

Mar 20th 2017
Graham Church

Sin entered the world and made it a broken world.  Justin Henderson continues in our Satisfied series by speaking out of Jeremiah 29 on finding peace in the midst of brokenness.  When we are in the middle of brokenness, God reminds us that He is a present Father and knows what’s going on with us.  He has not forgotten us and what we are going through!  In the middle of brokenness, He also gives us the strength to move forward and tells us to move on with our plans.  There are steps that you need to take to move forward and God is calling you to take those steps.  During times of brokenness, He reminds us that it is only a season.  This is not our permanent home!  In our permanent home, there is no suffering or brokenness.

There is a peace from God that passes all understanding.  Next time you are going through something, cry out to God.  Let Him know you need Him.

Satisfied Part 2 – Belonging

Mar 06th 2017
Graham Church

God is a personal God and calls you by name!  Justin Henderson continues in our Satisfied sermon series by speaking on belonging.  He shows us how God calls us by name, meets with us and speaks truth to our souls that causes life change.  We look a little deeper into the life of Zacchaeus to see how God calls us, even if we don’t think we belong.  Justin leaves us with a challenge to look at seven ways to ensure that there’s never an outsider in this church: Notice others, get to know them, meet with them, love them unconditionally, speak life into them, allow God to bring transformation and welcome them into the family of God. Join us Sundays at our new location: 25713 70th Ave. E, Graham WA 98338 at 10am!

Satisfied Preaching Series